What you can expect

Beat Impostor Syndrome
Feeling you don't really belong? That you're not really fit for the job, that everything that's going great is due to luck, surely not your talent? Constant anxiety over when someone is going to realise you're NOT GOOD ENOUGH? This is impostor syndrome, and most times you don't even know you're suffering from it. You just feel this constant anxiety and dread you think will go away once you're a LITTLE bit more experienced. I teach you how to feel confident and trust yourself, no matter what level you're at.

Learn how to stop the negative self talk
Our brains are amazing at pointing out everything that's wrong with us, everything we should have done better, and everything we SHOULDN'T have done. And it's even better at it in the middle of the night when you're supposed to be sleeping, or when you're trying to have family time. Or just before your next consult or surgery ... Learn how you can OPT OUT of these thoughts, and start a different conversation with yourself, leading to less burn out, overwhelm and stress.

Feel in control of your time
You’ll no longer feel like you’re running behind all the time at work, with a never-ending list of tasks and notes to write.
You’ll be able to manage your time efficiently and set healthy boundaries so you can get out on time without feeling guilty and spend well-deserved time with your loved ones, being fully present.
Overwhelm will be a concept of the past, as you learn how to manage your thoughts, no matter how busy work and daily life may seem.

Love the career you’ve worked so hard for!
Feel energised and motivated.
With the right tools for the tough days you’ll no longer feel overwhelmed, hopeless or burnt out. Instead you’ll constantly learn from the challenges in a constructive way.
You’ll no longer feel the dread at the end of the weekend thinking about going to work on Monday. Instead you’ll be looking forward to going to work, feeling fulfilled by what you do.

Feel Confident in any client situation
When you feel calm and confident, you are so much better equipped to interact with pet owners.
You’ll learn how to hold space for clients in a way that will create a calm, trusting environment, and the communication will improve. This creates much more efficient consults, less complaints and positive reviews.
Upset and angry owners cannot rock your world, as you know exactly where you stand, and what your values and boundaries are.

Stop underearning
As you learn how to manage your time efficiently, and have a much better overview of your day, you’ll have the mental capacity to bill everything correctly, give solid estimates, and work more cases without hustling.
You won’t be filled with self doubt causing you to under-charge, or stuck in indecision that will rob you of time performing exams and diagnostic tests.
A mountain of appreciation to Gunila for her Life Coach sessions! Invaluable. She’s helped me focus and realise that everything is possible. Thanks to her coaching I’ve taken a step forward on my new journey
I have just had another inspirational session with Gunila, she takes no prisoners and makes you face what is holding you back. The only way forward. Thanks so much for asking all the right questions that I need answering.
I started working with Gunila due to feelings of overwhelm and feeling like I needed to be doing all the things, all the time (like everyone else seemed to!).
It was so helpful working with someone who “gets it”. I’ve been in therapy and it’s hard to explain the intrinsic pressures you put on yourself in the vet industry without realising. Having someone who knows the right questions to ask is invaluable.
She enabled me to talk about options without limits/judgement, then allowing space to work through the options to find the best solution – as well as knowing it was okay to fail at that option and try a different one!
I’m still in a little limbo with my career, but I know where I’m heading and feel much more confident in my ability to make decisions that are in line and I don’t feel the compulsion to compromise.
I always looked forward to our calls, and felt positive and enthusiastic about our interactions!
If you’re already considering working with Gunila, you should definitely do it!
- Ali
For most of my adult life, I have tried to manage my anxiety. I’ve always known it was a problem, and thought if I could just find the magic key then maybe I’d unlock how to be ‘better.’
The constant battle between wanting to be perfect and wanting to be myself (someone I never used to think was good enough) heavily impacted my personal and professional relationships. In an industry as tough as veterinary, it isn’t hard to burn out; the extra pressure I was putting on myself made it much, much easier to do this.
After working with Gunila, I realised one of the biggest barriers to my progress was that I was trying to control my anxiety and my feelings instead of trying to understand, feel out and work through these.
Gunila created a safe, comfortable space for me to just… breathe. All the jumbled thoughts and feelings could be gently teased apart and unravelled with her help and guidance, and she has encouraged me to encounter my feelings with courage and kindness. Gunila has given me new tools – as well as encouraged me to use old ones – which have helped me navigate this mental health plateau. I’ve felt so much lighter since my sessions with Gunila. Things aren’t suddenly, magically easy; but they aren’t making me spin anymore.
You’d be surprised at what life can look and feel like when you’re willing and able to take things as they come (and when you aren’t afraid to let them come). Can’t recommend Gunila enough!
- M
Before I started working with Gunila, I had some hidden emotions that were holding me back from reaching my goals and going after what I wanted. I was faced with the same challenge over and over until she helped me uncover those emotions that had a big impact on my journey.
Gunila’s superpower is to see when I am holding onto a belief that is not serving me. There were so many epiphanies when she helped me to see some of my underlying beliefs that I needed to let go of for me to be able to reach my next level of growth.
I always love our coaching sessions. I feel safe expressing myself and just overall good feeling before, during and after our sessions.
I have reached a point where I am calm where I used to be upset and stressed. I have let go of controlling all things and I have a broader perspective on my circumstances in life. I am looking forward to further sessions and to keep growing and evolving through the coaching with Gunila.
Gunila is an amazing coach. She is warm, caring but at the same time willing to ask the hard questions that need to be asked in order for the awareness to rise. I think she can help anyone that would like to take their life to the next level. I recommend her to anyone who is willing to learn and grow.
- Dögg Stefánsdóttir